Flow Arts in the friggin house. Taught two classes at flow arts on thursday and friday. Its the shizzle. Every time I come to Tokyo the reception is so warm but this time was exceptional. People came from all over Japan as I did not teach in Nagoya this year or teach much in Kyoto or Osaka. Thirsday was fun as I got to see Jen Peter...a Jivamukti teacher...we did our training together and in fact we have not seen each other since then. Homegirl is so funny. We had lunch together with some now mutual friends, Padmini, her boyfriend Marc and Jessica. Marc is taking the picture and Jen is of the huge smile on the right. Padmini in the back is taking the Jivamukti TT this year. The pictures at flow arts came out so blurry because the room was so hot I did not want to post them. Friday evening a few students and I went out to dinner for some vegan Indian which is really the only reliable thing to be open after 10pm in Tokyo for veggy friendly food. This trip has been by far the easiest in terms of being vegan. So many people have been spoiling me by cooking and taking me out. Saturady and Sunday is when the 10 hour Jivamukti Immersion goes down and I heard Geshe Michael Roach and Lama Christie will be in the hood so will slide through fo sho. Perhaps see you there....
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